What more do you need to know?
I first used this blog two years ago to write about my personal life. No one seemed interested and I completely stopped writing. I am not sure if I should pick it back up again because again, I'm unsure how many people would like to read about what's going on with me.
I am not an expert. I am just a huge Strokes fan.
They have truly changed my life, no matter how cliche that sounds. I bet I would be listening to bad music right now, lol.
I am the one who started up The Strokes Fandom on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/thestrokesfandom) but before then, I started an official petition to make Nikolai broke the zoom into a real song (http://www.facebook.com/nikolaibrokethezoom). My real intention for the fandom was to help update the co-hosts for 101.01 The One That Rocks podcast and to help catch real Strokes fans up with what's currently being said about them in the media because let's face it, it's nice to know what's going on.
As more and more people started to join, the more fun it became. There are some interesting people in the fandom that make this all worthwhile. Without the love from Strokes friends, I would be just another fan, secretly obsessing about the boys to my real-life acquaintances (and it would just make them annoyed with me).
I believe to have an outlet like 'the Strokes fandom' helps create more unity through the so-called "fandom".
If just a photo or a video makes someone's day, it's all that matters to me. I don't do it for the popularity (but it's nice to talk to everyone).
Currently, I'm studying to be a communications major and with this practice, I am gaining more confidence to speak up and it's very empowering.
I suppose I shall stop talking now. much peace and love, Carla Michelle